Thursday, August 27, 2009

a break

I will be taking a brief break from posting on this blog. I need a chance to catch up some other things and I need to give the page the time it deserves. I'll be back!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Jesus said, “This is how you should pray:
“Father, may your name be kept holy.
May your Kingdom come soon.
Give us each day the food we need,
and forgive us our sins,
as we forgive those who sin against us.
And don’t let us yield to temptation.”
Luke 11:2-4 (NLT)

Monday, August 24, 2009

a great thought

A good friend sent this to me, it is excellent. If we can get permission, we will see this on the stage at Maranatha in the near future. Enjoy!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

fusion update

Just a quick note about our weekend at the Fusion Forum: This two day conference was designed for younger pastors and I had the privilege of helping to lead the event. Letha and I really enjoyed spending time with these good folks. The sessions I led went pretty well and I received a lot of affirmation from the guys. Maybe more importantly, we made some great connections with friends. This entire event is relationship based and I suppose that it why it is so life-giving for me. I came to church this morning tired but refreshed from my time at the conference.

Kudos to the guys who helped put on the Fusion Forum and to the Church of God State Office for sponsoring the event.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

fusion conference

I am getting ready to attend the Fusion Conference in Clearwater, Florida this Friday and Saturday. This a special time designed for young pastors. I know what you are thinking: "who invited you, old man!?" Here's the thing: I am not a going as just a participant, I am also speaking at a session. So there, that explains it!

Seriously, this is a really a great event that brings life to my work. The idea of sharing with young and energetic leaders ignites something in my heart. My topic on Friday night is "ministry in the new reality". I plan to share with these guys and gals how the future of ministry is going to be way different than the past. Our definition of "successful ministry" has to be adjusted. We used to think about large buildings with a cross on top, large pastorals staff, and lots of big programs. Because of seismic changes in our culture, that stuff may not work anymore. Instead, we have to take a more organic approach. More ministry has to be done with fewer resources. The ministry has to be accomplished by the average person, not some paid professional. Our economy won't allow for spending lots of money on facilities. It is time to rethink what ministry looks like. I am pretty excited about the topic and about the opportunity to talk to these leaders. I would appreciate your prayers that it all accomplishes what God desires.

I'll keep you posted as we get to the weekend.

Monday, August 17, 2009

I John 3:16-19a

This is how we know what real love is: Jesus gave his life for us. So we should give our lives for our brothers and sisters.17 Suppose someone has enough to live and sees a brother or sister in need, but does not help. Then God's love is not living in that person.18 My children, we should love people not only with words and talk, but by our actions and true caring. 19 This is the way we know that we belong to the way of truth. NCV)

A few thoughts on these verses…
Real love defined: self-sacrifice.
God’s love in action in us: giving to those in need.
Words express love; actions express it more effectively.
We know we are right with God when we make His love obvious.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

i can’t afford U2

I got pretty excited this week when I learned that U2 was scheduled to come to Tampa in October. I have been a fan for years but all the more so since Bono has been such a vocal proponent of active involvement by the church in addressing the needs of the world. I have heard him say some very provocative and challenging things to Christ-followers. He tells us to speak out on behalf of the marginalized, get involved in the AIDS crisis in Africa, feed a hungry child. Make a difference. Way to go, Bono.

So Letha and I started looking at our schedules and checking on-line for tickets. Pretty quickly, I realized that I would have to settle for iTunes. Ticket prices start at only $30 or so but you have to be willing to sit in the nose bleed section completely BEHIND the band. Move forward, prices go up. Move around the front, they go up more. Plan on getting close enough to actually see the band and, POW!, they sock it to you. Seriously, we saw lots of tickets for over $1,000 per. We starting adding up ticket prices (mid-priced ones), gas to travel over, food and probably one night’s lodging and we were at $500.00 before we knew it. I just can’t do it. No way am I paying $500 to hear a band, no matter who it is.

I hope Bono would approve, I would rather send the cash to someone who needs some food or clean water. I am not criticizing the people who are buying tickets. I am saying that I couldn’t sleep if I spent that kind of money on a concert.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

what is God saying?

I suppose the height of egomania is to assert that one knows what God is saying. To read and comprehend what He says in His written Word is one thing but to have the ability to, with clarity and confidence, sense what He says to one’s spirit is necessary but a little trickier than we would like to believe.

Does God say what I want to hear?

I know of an individual who currently is at odds with her family. The way this person wins is by being assured that God is on her side. According to her, He totally agrees with her and He has chosen to send special messages through her to the rest of the family about how wrong they are. Kind of tough to argue with God! Here’s the thing: her attitudes and behavior assure everyone that she is not hearing from God and, if she was, He would not be on her side.

It is easy to listen to God as long as He agrees with us. When God operates within the confines of our preconceived ideas, our world is a safe and predictable place. When God’s voice is familiar, when He says the things we expect Him to say, there is order. Even when the things we perceive Him to say are hurtful or negative, we can manage that, because it is what we have come to expect. I believe the problem is, we sometimes put words into God’s mouth.

While trying to go to sleep the other night, I decided to try to just lie still, be quite, not pray, just listen to what God was saying to me. My instant thought was, “He probably has a bunch of things that I could do better on, areas of my life and things that I am doing for Him on which I could improve.” I am wondering why my first thoughts of His message to me were negative. What is it in my emotional chemistry that assumes that God is looking for the chance to increase the pressure I am facing, that He is not satisfied with me, that there is more I can do to make Him happy with me? In this instance, God fell in line with my insecurities and came under the control of the things that have attempted to control me all of my life. Pretty obviously, God does not play that game.

I am glad to tell you that I was soon able to clear my mind of the idea that God was standing over me measuring how high I could jump. Some additional thoughts came to mind. I got an idea for a message or a book or an article. The title of Themes of His Essays came to mind. I began thinking about the major concepts of the things that the Holy Spirit communicates to His people. What is the essence and character of God all about, anyway? This is where the egomania kicks in again, assuming I can capture the essence of God. But recall, God has chosen to reveal Himself to us, He wants us to know His character. He shows His personality to us. We can, in part, understand what He is about. So I began thinking about concepts like: Grace. Love. Mercy. Treasure. Compassion. These are the great themes of God. This is the message that God has been speaking to humankind since creation.

This is not to say that I am doing a great job with the responsibilities that God has given me or that He is giving me a “thumbs-up’ on my performance for Him. He knows, I fall way below the bar for acceptable production in the Kingdom. But I just can’t see God as the One who is laying the burden of “do more, work harder, perform at a higher level” on my back.

I also realize that judgment is part of God’s responsibility. But His primary connection with us is hope. Even conviction of sins has as its goal, forgiveness.

Try just listening. Maybe you’ll hear some things that I didn’t hear. Maybe as I grow, I will also hear some different things. Just maybe one day, I will get a “not bad, kid!” out of Him. That would be progress.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

vacation video

Enjoy this video from the top of Pike's Peak. The cold weather was a far cry from South Florida in August!

Monday, August 10, 2009

out of the way places

We need to be deliberate in our efforts to spend time with God. With our busy schedules, the necessary spiritual-focus times won't happen unless we strategically place them in our calendar.

Cascade, Colorado proved to be a valuable experience for me as Letha and I enjoyed a vacation there last week. I was able to spend some time hiking and, as usual, when I got alone and away from the noise (not Letha :)), I experienced the closeness of God. Maybe it is just the way I am geared, but time in a natural setting does wonders for my abilities to interact with the Creator.

Mark (5:16) speaks of Jesus' need to be apart from the crowds and focus on His Father. As often as possible Jesus withdrew to out-of-the-way places for prayer. (MSG) I don't do this as often and I need to. I live 15 minutes from one of the best places in all the world to clear one's mind (the beach). But I still find it difficult to find the time to drive over and just sit. The mountains of Colorado reminded me of how important this time in in my life.

How about you? How long has it been since you turned the TV off long enough to clear your head? Would a brisk walk in the park or a drive in country help to clear things up? Wherever you live, there is a place, an out-of-the-way place where God is waiting for some special time with you.

Friday, August 7, 2009

you want to live where you go on vacation

Time off, sleeping in, going out to eat, no schedule. Those are the highlights of vacation time. If you are lucky enough to be able to get away this summer, you probably will be tempted with the idea of relocating to the area you visit.

Letha and I just returned from a week in Colorado. The temperatures were in the low 50’s in the mountain mornings. We visited mountains over 14.000 feet elevation. Pine trees grow huge. It was just about as different from South Florida in Summer as you could imagine. The scenery was breathtaking and we spent every day outside taking hikes and taking in the tourist sites.

I have to admit, more than once, I thought, “It would be so cool to live in a place like this.” But I was then reminded of what the guests who visit us in Florida say, especially those from the mid west: “I want to move to Florida!” It is true, we live in one of the most beautiful places in the world, but I always remind them, “you can’t live on vacation”. The entire purpose of a vacation is to rest and do something different for the purpose of refreshing yourself. You break the old pattern and it feels good. And so naturally, you want to keep doing it.

I guess after a couple of weeks of sleeping in and site-seeing, we would get adjusted to the new place. Real life requires a job and responsibilities. Whether you live in Florida or Colorado or the French Riviera, it is home and may not seem very glamorous. But be thankful for it. I know I am.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

when someone you love is hurting

Over the past few months we have seen too many people in pain. Some good friends have suffered some pretty severe sicknesses. Along with the obvious concern for these sick people is our compassion for those who love them. We have observed some very concerned family members. It is a tough thing to watch someone you care about suffer. A common statement we have heard is, "I wish I could take their place."

It is normal to struggle emotionally when a loved one is ill. But I think there are some valuable concepts to learn through these experiences. Among them is the idea that God loves you and your loved one very much. He feels your pain. He is touched with the same discomfort that you are. And He is with you every step of the way.

Another important thing to know is, God feels the same way about you as you feel about your family members. He says, "I will take their place." That's why He died on the cross - it was so we could live. He doesn't like it when His kids suffer. So He did something about it. He eliminated our eternal suffering by giving His life. Now that is an important concept to grasp.

God cares. A lot.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

sports or prostitution?

It is getting tougher to be a sports fan these days. The team with the money wins. There is no loyalty. Player swap franchises like we change shoes. The message sent by these organizations is “win or be traded”. Fans get all excited when the club signs a new player. They love the new guy. But they hated him last week when he played for another team in the division and they will hate him again next year when he is playing for their rival.

The idea of Brett Favre playing for the Minnesota Vikings is a complete joke. Having spent eleven years in Minnesota, and knowing how much those fans hate anything Packers, I say the team stood to lose a lot of credibility if they had signed him. He would have dropped Vikings fans like a sack of potatoes as soon as a better offer came along.

My baseball Cardinals recently traded for and signed a bunch of guys from other teams. Everybody is all excited. Team pride, Cardinals Nation, blah, blah… we are paying big dollars to guys who care nothing about us. The moment they get a better offer, they are out of here! Don’t believe for one minute that they are committed to anything other than money. A pretty clear case of prostitution.

Is it any wonder why we, as a nation, struggle with loyalty?