We are raising money to help fund these projects. We have committed $5,000 to build a prefab home for an elderly Pastor and family who have no place in which to live. We also plan to fund some minor projects that need to be done. Security walls need to be reconstructed, homes need to be built, churches need to be rebuilt. The need is major and I can’t imagine taking enough money to cover everything that needs to be accomplished. We can’t do it all, but we can all do something.
I am asking you for three things:
1. Would you consider making a donation? Just click here for detailed information about secure donations. I promise you, 100% of your donation will go directly to meet the needs of the poor people of Haiti.
2. Would you share this post with a friend; on your Twitter page, on your facebook wall or on your blog? You can just click on the links at the bottom of this post. Send a mass email if you have to. We need to get the word out in as many ways as possible. If you do not want to share my blog, please send your friends and family to Maranatha’s outreach website: wecanshareit.org.
3. Would you pray sincerely that this project will change the lives of people? I have no question that the lives of the team are going will be eternally impacted. We are praying that the Haitian people will see the love of God clearly demonstrated, that someone will find hope, that many will find Christ as a result of what you and I doing.
Thanks very much, I will keep you posted as the trip date gets closer.
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