Saturday, August 2, 2008

happy anniversary!

Yesterday, Letha and I celebrated 27 years of marriage. The date of our wedding was 8.1.81. That's right, we were married as little children.

Just wanted to say how thankful I am for her, all that she means to me and the blessing that God has given us in our marriage.

Letha, I love you and can't imagine life without you. Sure glad I don't have to.


  1. Happy Anniversary! Wow 27 yrs--Letha sure is an angel for putting up with you for that long! hahah j/k Blessings!

  2. Happy anniversary mom and dad! I love you guys.

  3. In as little as 6 sentences - you've said a full and beautiful message. Well said for such a long-winded guy... : )! and thanks so much for sharing this awesome milestone. Congrats - and glad to see you are still honey-mooning after 27 yrs.
