Monday, April 6, 2009


I've been away for a while, traveling and also trying to resolve some fairly serious computer issues. This post is coming via Letha's computer so if there is a decidedly feminine feel to this, please forgive...

There has been lots of personal and professional activity of late.

We finished Quest, to the relief of many. Even with only approximately 20% participation, I think we accomplished some significant things. I KNOW that we were obedient to what God told us to do. That is a victory.

Letha and I were in Minnesota from Thursday to Saturday for my niece Kelly's wedding. She married Kyle Berkness, a great guy we have know almost his whole life. I was honored to be able to conduct the ceremony. I love those guys and hope and pray for the very best for them.

Get this: while we were in MN, my nephew, Rich (named after me) was at Kyle's bachelor's party (playing paintball). He slipped and fell, landing on his head. He suffered a compression fracture in his upper back, tore ligaments in his neck and chipped a bone on his vertebrae. He spent a couple of nights in the hospital and is wearing a halo for 8-12 weeks. This contraption is screwed into his head in four places. He is very blessed that he was not injured more seriously. He is still in lots of pain, please pray for a speedy recovery for him. I have a feeling that God is going to be showing him some valuable things over the next couple of months.

This is Easter week, so our schedule is very full. We are working our tails off and praying a lot, trying to insure successful ministry this weekend. The measuring stick? Changed lives! A bit illusive and sometimes abstract but it is our goal, nonetheless.

If you are a part of the Maranatha family, I am asking you to step up. Do your part. Make sure that you reach out to people in your life. Share the power of the Resurrection. Live the abundant life that Jesus provides with His victory over death. Invite someone to a church service. Serve. I think we will see some great results.

In the mean time, I am considering buying a Mac but I am afraid that I would get a superiority complex over the lowly PC users. It would boost my cool factor, though.

grace and peace!

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