Tuesday, March 23, 2010

project Peru

Do you think I can hike 25 miles? With a full backpack? In 13,550 ft Andes Mountains elevation?

And, on a related note, do you care about needy kids?

I am raising money to help assist a Children’s Ministry Center in Lima, Peru. They feed, educate and provide medical care for 330 impoverished children. Their leader, Pastor Dario Lopez is a trusted man who has invested the last 20 years caring for these children. Our financial support will allow this great work to continue and to expand.

Here is the plan: My daughter, Jessica and I plan to hike the Inca Trail in Peru in May. The trip is approximately 25 miles long. I am finding sponsors who will support my trek on a per-mile basis. The money will be collected before (for those of you who actually think I can make the trip) or following (for those of you who think I am a wimp) the trip. I am actually hoping to hand-deliver the funds to Pastor Lopez when we arrive in Peru so your faith in my hiking ability is pretty vital.

Here’s all you need to do. Go to Maranatha’s outreach website, wecanshareit.org and read the details. Or, you can watch this video on youtube.com or click on it below. A paypal page has been set up for your convenience. You may also simply place a check in the offering at one of our services at Maranatha, but please be sure to designate “Peru” on your envelope. One more thing: and this is important. Let me know if you plan to support and how much you plan to donate. If you plan to give one dollar per mile, obviously the total amount is $25. I am looking for your total amount pledged. This will assist us as we set and reach our goals. My preliminary goal is $5,000, an amount easily attainable for us. That means that I need 200 people who will pledge $1 per mile. Or 100 to pledge $2 per… you get the idea. Of course, if you want to pledge $200 per mile, we will reach our goal!

Thanks for your support. Pray for us as we are in training for this demanding hike. I have a lot of motivation to complete it!

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