Saturday, April 26, 2008

Interesting quotes on world change

The following quotes all come from a promotional piece I received pushing an upcoming conference at Ginghamsburg Church in Ohio. The Change the World Conference is in October and looks like something worthwhile. While it is too early for me to make a commitment to go, I loved some of the quotes by some of the featured speakers and leaders and thought you may also enjoy them. Though some may be a bit controversial, they will provoke some thought and dialogue.

Check these out . . .

Christians must act as the moral conscience for both sides of the isle, always advocating for peace with justice and the orphan and widow. The Gospel is good news for the poor. If it doesn’t cover the poor, it is not the Gospel! – Mike Slaughter

Why are so many religious people arguing about the origin of the {human} species, but so few are concerned about the extinction of the species? –Brian McLaren

Two of the great hungers in our world today are the hunger for spirituality and the hunger for social justice. The connection between the two is the one the world is waiting for, especially the new generations. And the first hunger will empower the second. –Jim Wallis

Christianity’s next reformation…will draw upon what is best in both fundamentalism and liberalism by holding together the evangelical and social gospels, by combining a love of scripture with a willingness to see both its humanity as well as its Divinity, and by coupling a passionate desire to follow Jesus Christ with a reclamation of His heart toward those whom religious people have often rejected. This reformation will be led by people who are able to see the gray in a world of black and white. –Adam Hamilton

…in the minds of many nonreligious people in America, Christianity is not associated with love or grace or justice, but with a particular view of homosexuality, or a particular stance on abortion…Christianity has become a wedge that drives people from Christ, rather than drawing them to him…There are a growing number of Christians who believe the Gospel calls us to be healers and bridge builders, not dividers. – Adam Hamilton

The Protestant theology of many Americans has reduced salvation by faith to a passive and easy “believism,” giving the impression that all a person needs to be saved is a right theology…The evidence of true conversion is a commitment to the work of Jesus. –Mike Slaughter

Faith is not just for the new life, the hereafter: it is precisely intended to transform the world in the here and now – otherwise, most of the Bible makes no sense at all. –Jim Wallis

Jesus’ message is not actually about escaping this troubled world for heaven’s blissful shores, as is properly assumed, but instead is about God’s will being done on this troubled earth as it is in heaven…The popular domesticated Jesus, who has become little more than a chrome-plated hood ornament on the guzzling Hummer of Western civilization can…be replaced with a more radical, saving and, I believe, real Jesus. –Brian McLaren

The time has passed when we can define ourselves on the tired and old labels of conservative or liberal, evangelical or charismatic, Catholic or Protestant. All who have faith in Jesus belong to Him. Everyone who serves the mission is a follower of His. It is time for all of us to change the world together. –Mike Slaughter

1 comment:

  1. The conference is intriguing - some of my favorites are going to be there. The Wallis quote really hit home: if it doesn't include the poor it's not the Gospel. Hope that we understand that more as the Church.
