Sunday, March 1, 2009


Well, today marks the beginning of a 31 day journey through the New Testament. The people of Maranatha Church (and a few others) are accepting the challenge placed on us by God to know more about His Word. Be forewarned: QUEST will be a significant undertaking. If you decide to read the scriptures, not only will you have to discipline yourself to stay up with the reading, but you will need to continue to humble yourself “under” the Word. This simply means to read with the intent to actually do what the Word is saying. This is one of the reasons that I am so excited about this journey. I am convinced that those who make it to the end will recognize real spiritual movement in their lives. I think the same will be true of our church. When March is over and the Quest is completed, we will be enjoying a new season of renewal and growth. While I can’t wait to see what is on the other side, I do plan to enjoy every step of the journey.

Today’s reading: Matthew 1-9.
I laugh, thinking about all the people who are, with great enthusiasm, beginning their read through the New Testament…and come out of the gate with Matthew 1. Genealogy! – how riveting! But really, the early chapters of the New Testament are very important to understanding the life and ministry of Christ. The birth of Jesus, His early life, His baptism and the inauguration of His ministry are all chronicled. The Sermon on the Mount in chapters 5-7 is especially significant. This time through, I got new insight on the giving to poor ideas taught in chapter 6, probably because this is where God has me right now.

Thanks for committing to read with us.
Set aside time tomorrow to stay current with the reading. God bless you while you absorb His Word.

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